Related Projects


INTAQT is a five-year H2020 project, led by INRAE, which aims to assess the relationship between animal production systems and the quality of the products they produce, particularly in the poultry and beef sector. INTAQT intends to involve all the actors in the chicken and cattle production chains and consumers. This will be achieved through the development of quality assessment and authentication tools, to provide science-based decision support for policy makers, industries, farmers and consumers as well as develop means to improve husbandry practices complying with high quality of animal products and sustainability of production, defined as the “One Quality” of products.


mEATquality aims to provide consumers with better-quality pork and broiler meat and animals with a high-level of welfare by developing scientific knowledge and practical solutions together with farmers and chain partners. Additional aims are reducing the environmental impact and improving the economic sustainability of the chain. The project will also support the EU Farm to Fork strategy’s objective to combat food fraud by investigating methods to improve traceability and determine authenticity.

The mEATquality project, an H2020 project, is coordinated by Wageningen Research (The Netherlands) and is a multidisciplinary team of 17 partners organisations representing 7 EU countries.


Code:Re-Farm focuses on poultry & goat production systems with the goal of understanding the links between husbandry systems and intrinsic quality of derived products. Novel technologies will be exploited for assessing the intrinsic quality of products along the value chain (Product Lifecycle Monitoring), farm to fork. The insights from this assessment, combined with insights on societal demands and sustainability of production processes will drive alternative solutions that fit sustainable, consumer-driven business. 


Wikifarmer is a worldwide collaboration with the mission of empowering and educating farmers across the world. It is an Organization with Social Impact, leading a transformation in Agriculture and Food Systems by focusing on free Education, Sustainability, and forcing Transparency, Accountability, Security, and Honesty, across the food supply chain.

To accomplish that, Wikifarmer offers an open Library with educational material covering a wide range of agricultural topics, translated into numerous languages (more than 14), to be accessible to everyone and help farmers make fact-based decisions on how to produce sustainably high-quality products. In 2021 more than 5 million unique visitors from more than 180 countries have read their material online.

At the same time, Wikifarmer believes that all farmers in the world should be able to showcase their production, set a price for their products, and compete fairly in the local or the global marketplace. To strengthen farmers’ position in today’s competitive landscape, Wikifarmer introduces them to e-commerce, helps them create a profile online, presents and translate their products and matches them with buyers. Their Market Place is accessible to all farmers and buyers (for B2B and B2C transactions) worldwide and is translated into 5 languages (English, Spanish, Italian, French, and Greek).