Prof Harry Blokhuis
Professor of animal behaviour and animal welfare, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Harry Blokhuis is professor and senior advisor at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala. Prof Blokhuis is also director of the European Reference Centre for Animal Welfare for Ruminants and Equines. Prof Blokhuis’ field of specialization is animal behaviour and animal welfare in general. His work included studies of abnormal behaviours, the development of alternative housing systems and the assessment of animal welfare.
For many years Prof Blokhuis was a member of various advisory bodies to the European Commission and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).
Prof Blokhuis coordinated ten EU funded international research programmes including the first part of the PATHWAYS project and earlier the Welfare Quality project and he participated in several others. Prof Blokhuis is a fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry. In 2022 Prof Blokhuis was awarded SLU’s Great Medal for Distinguished Service for research efforts deemed “remarkable from an international perspective”. He published more than 150 scientific articles and book chapters and supervised 10 PhD students. H index=51. ORCID: 0000-0003-3608-6355

Prof Mara Miele
Professor of human geography, Cardiff University
Prof Mara Miele is a professor of human geography at Cardiff University, UK. Her research interests include the ethics of food consumption, STS and geographies of science. In the last fifteen years she has led and participated to several interdisciplinary EU-funded research projects including Welfare Quality, Dialrel and others, looking at animal food consumption practices in Europe, the public understanding of animal welfare issues, the controversy about religious slaughter, and the ethics of eating animal food. In 2012 she received the Environment and Planning A Ashby Prize for her article ‘The Taste of Happiness: free range chicken’ and has published her research in Environment and Planning D- Society and Space, Theory, Culture and Society and Transactions of Institute of British Geographers. She is section editor of the journal Animal Welfare and member of the editorial board of Agriculture and Human Values and Progress in Environmental Geography.

Dr. Thomas Nemecek
Deputy Research group leader Life Cycle Assessment, Agroscope
Dr. Thomas Nemecek holds a Master and PhD in Agricultural Sciences and has over 20 years of experience in research on Life Cycle Assessment of agri-food systems with special focus on crop production, cropping and farming systems, livestock production, farms, food, food systems and nutrition. His special expertise includes developing LCA methodology, databases and tools.

Dr. Lisa Norton
Senior Agro-Ecologist, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UKCEH)
Dr. Lisa Norton is a senior scientist in the Land Use Group at UKCEH. Her research focuses on monitoring and management of natural capital for ecosystem service (ES) delivery and she works closely with social and economic scientists and stakeholders in interdisciplinary approaches towards sustainable environmental management of farmland. She was PI on a recently completed Global Food Security funded project; Sustainable economic and ecological grazing systems – Learning from innovative practitioners.

Dr. Jean-Louis Peyraud
Special Adviser of the Scientific Director for Agriculture, INRAE
Dr. Jean-Louis Peyraud has a background in ruminant nutrition and grazing. He has published more than 150 peer review papers and headed a research unit on dairy production for 10 years. He is now Special Adviser of the Scientific Director of Agriculture at INRAE. He has coordinated the FP7-Multisward project, honored as a “European success story”. He’s produced scientific foresights on the future of livestock farming for INRAE and for the European Commission and was chair of the Animal Task Force. He is also member of the French Academy of Agriculture.